Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology: the Metaethics of Radical Feminism (Beacon) 1978, pgs 109, 131-133:

"The Myth Masters are able to penetrate their victims' minds/imaginations only be seeing to it that their deceptive myths are acted out over and over again in performances that draw the participants into emotional complicity. Such re-enactment trains both victims and victimizers to perform uncritically their preordained roles. Thus the psyches of the performers are conditioned so that they become carriers and perpetrators of patriarchal myth. In giving the myth reality by acting it out, the participants become re-producers and 'living proof' of the deceptive myths...

In the Sado-Ritual we find, first, an obsession with purity...Second, there is total erasure of responsibility for the atrocities performed through such rituals. Those doing the destruction commonly have recourse to the idea that they are acting 'under orders', or following tradition (serving a Higher Order). This allows the self as role-carrier to commit acts which the personal/private self would find frightening or evil... [and also] we find compulsive orderliness, obsessive repetitiveness, and fixation upon minute details, which divert attention from the an extension of the primordial gynocidal acts."