Among the many studies that come to this conclusion are L. H. Cohen and H. Freeman, "How Dangerous to the Community Are State Hospital Patients?" Connecticut State Medical Journal 9 (September 1945): 897-700; Jonas R. Rappeport, and Frances Gruenwald. "Evaluation and Followup of State Hospital Patients Who Had Sanity Hearings." American Journal of Psychiatry 118 (June 1962): 1078-1086; Jonas R. Rappeport and George Lassan, "Dangerousness-Arrest Rate Comparison of Discharged Patients and the General Population," American Journal of Psychiatry 121 (Febmary 1965): 776783: and Jonas R. Rappeport, The Clinical Evaluation of the Dangerousness of the Mentally Ill (Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1967).